Partner with Us

Dedication and Sponsorship Opportunities

Parnas Yomi | Shavua | Chodesh

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Sponsor a day, week or month of Torah learning

Share in our Torah learning on the day, week or month of your choice.  You can choose to dedicate in honor of a milestone or special occasion, or in memory of a loved one.

Sponsor a Shiur

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Help us bring Torah to the community.

Sponsor a shiur in honor of a special occasion, or l’ilui nishmas a loved one.  Choose to sponsor Rabbi Gradon’s Morning Whatsapp Shiur, Chofetz Chaim Shiur, or Thursday Night Parsha Shiur.  Thank you for making our learning possible.

Dedicate a Learning Seder

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Share in our learning, morning, afternoon, or night

Be a part of a Merkaz HaTorah Kollel day.  Sponsor or dedicate a learning seder, on the date of your choice in honor of any occasion or l’ilui nishmas a loved one.

Sponsor a Women’s Program

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Help us impact women across the community

Our Merkaz HaBayis Women’s Learning Division imparts Jewish wisdom on a multitude of topics, including marriage, parenting, Halacha, and much more. Sponsor one of our many program initiatives for a single session, or sponsor a series.  Click below for a list of options.

To explore other giving opportunities, please contact Rabbi Gradon at 310.282.8169

Thank You for Sharing in Our Kol Torah

Merkaz HaTorah Community Kollel has served as a vital makom Torah for the Los Angeles-Beverly Hills community for over a decade.  We strive to provide a rigorous learning environment for our avreichim, as well as a warm, inviting atmosphere for all who walk through the doors of our beis medrash.

We thank you for your partnership and support, which will enable us to:

  • Engage in heartfelt, in-depth Talmud Torah
  • Train and develop the next generation of Torah scholars, leaders and educators throughout the world
  • Infuse the L.A.-Beverly Hills community with unprecedented Ahavas HaTorah through the example of our beloved avreichim and their families
  • Inspire and uplift the community through our dynamic weekly calendar of classes and shiurim
  • Provide critical guidance to the individuals and families within our orbit
  • Provide relevant and engaging classes and opportunities for women through our Merkaz HaBayis division